I don't post new articles nearly enough, but you can read some of my personal blogs about myself as a professional and as an introvert here.
Personal Interviews:
I was featured in these interviews during my time as Internal Communications Manager at trivago, between October 2015 until November 2017:
- Article on 'Life at trivago'-blog (in English) - a translation of an interview with intranet consultancy Kronstag about my role and about the use of intranet at trivago*:
- Online article in the German newspaper 'Handelsblatt' (in German) about using chat systems over email inside companies:
Passion project: Hack The Org!

Hack The Org! was one of my passion projects that I carried out during my time at trivago. Hack The Org! was a hackathon concept newly created by me in which both tech and non-tech teams from trivago could participate. I developed this unique hackathon for trivago in the context of the year of #entrepreneurialpassion (one of trivago's core values). I organized the first 3 editions myself (between 2017-2019). The idea for Hack The Org! arose from the wish of many non-techies - including myself - to be able to experience a hackathon.
The following article about Hack The Org! was posted on the 'Life at trivago'-blog:
In addition to that, 2 promotional videos were filmed during the 2017 and 2018 editions, which were published on trivago's social media for employer branding:
Could your organization use some WORDFORCE?
N.B. The work samples that are shown here are public publications and are therefore available to everyone. Any non-public work samples are the property of my clients and will only be featured here with their express permission.